
The primary legislation governing the Channel Islands Aviation Registry is the Aviation Laws published by the States of Guernsey.


The detailed aviation safety and registration requirements following from these laws are detailed in the Guernsey Aviation Requirements (GARs). Collectively, the laws and GARs ensure compliance with the Chicago Convention and ICAO Standards.


The eligibility of persons and their aircraft to be registered on the Guernsey Aircraft Register, and the associated due diligence process, are summarised in the qualification criteria.


Qualification criteria

The qualification criteria determine who can register an aircraft in Guernsey. They consist of eligibility criteria and admission criteria.  Eligibility criteria pertain to the owner of an aircraft, whereas admission criteria pertain to the category of aircraft. Associated with the eligibility criteria are categories of due diligence.


All three of the following structures apply cumulatively to every aircraft registration in Guernsey.